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Rydhagen, Birgitta
Publications (10 of 22) Show all publications
Wilk, J., Jonsson, A., Rydhagen, B., del Callejo, I., Cerruto, N., Chila, G., . . . Rani, A. (2018). Assessing vulnerability in Cochabamba, Bolivia and Kota, India: how do stakeholder processes affect suggested climate adaptation interventions?. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 10(1), 32-48
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2018 (English)In: International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, ISSN 1946-3138, Vol. 10, no 1, p. 32-48Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In Cochabamba, the vulnerability assessment process focused on La Maica community and the agriculture sector. Community stakeholders were involved in workshops while municipal and regional actors participated through interviews. In the Kota process, the municipality was in the geographical focal point and a multi-level stakeholder group focused upon slum inhabitants. The suggested interventions and actions in both cities were dominated by systems (infrastructure and ecosystems) while identified barriers and facilitating factors to implementation revealed a greater acknowledgement of governance issues. Focus on marginalized groups and sectors is facilitated by the direct representations of those issues. While multi-stakeholder processes can be important forums for social learning adaptation planning that benefit vulnerable sectors and groups, with limited inclusion and responsibility given to representatives of marginalized sectors and groups for implementation actions, it is likely that the interests and priorities of more powerful actors will dominate and not contribute to increasing the resilience of the most vulnerable. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor and Francis Inc., 2018
Cochabamba, Kota, local water management, multi-level stakeholder processes, social learning, urban resilience, Vulnerability
National Category
Other Environmental Engineering
urn:nbn:se:bth-16020 (URN)10.1080/19463138.2018.1436061 (DOI)000437726400003 ()2-s2.0-85042462139 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2018-03-26 Created: 2018-03-26 Last updated: 2018-08-20Bibliographically approved
Wilk, J., Jonsson, A., Rydhagen, B., Rani, A. & Kumar, A. (2018). The perspectives of the urban poor in climate vulnerability assessments: The case of Kota, India. Urban Climate, 24, 633-642
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2018 (English)In: Urban Climate, E-ISSN 2212-0955, Vol. 24, p. 633-642Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Kota with a high proportion of slum dwellers and extremely high temperatures is under great demand to assess the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of different groups of its inhabitants to the impacts of climatic variability and change. Participatory workshops with key stakeholders in urban administration undertook a short vulnerability assessment to gauge current climate adaptation awareness and measures and discuss and decide on a numbered of proposed actions. The city has many policies and disaster management plans in place although implementation and enforcement was often found lacking. The actions were mainly about infrastructure and ecosystems with few related to boosting and transforming agent capabilities and institutions. The action plans outlining the frequency and responsible institutions for tree planting and cleaning streams also lacked detail or identification of lead institutions, departments, or people. Although stakeholders highlighted that local knowledge was not sufficiently used to inform good planning and policies, the action plans did not include community representatives in decision-making rather only in the implementation of the proposed actions. Although when the group identified slum populations as especially vulnerable the focus of the assessment shifted but in action plans representatives of this group were not included in any decision making or planning processes. © 2017.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier B.V., 2018
Climate change adaptation, Flood prevention, Heat waves, Participatory vulnerability assessments, Urban climate resilience, Urban greening
National Category
Climate Research Social and Economic Geography
urn:nbn:se:bth-15124 (URN)10.1016/j.uclim.2017.08.004 (DOI)000433190000043 ()2-s2.0-85028328252 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2017-09-08 Created: 2017-09-08 Last updated: 2023-03-22Bibliographically approved
Wilk, J., Rydhagen, B., Jonsson, A., Del Callejo, I., Cerruto, N., Chila, G. & Encinas, S. (2017). Framing and blaming in the Cochabamba water agenda: Local, municipal and regional perspectives. Water Policy, 19(4), 620-636
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Framing and blaming in the Cochabamba water agenda: Local, municipal and regional perspectives
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2017 (English)In: Water Policy, ISSN 1366-7017, E-ISSN 1996-9759, Vol. 19, no 4, p. 620-636Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

We present framings of water issues at three administrative levels in Cochabamba, Bolivia to increase insight of how actors' perspectives facilitate, obstruct or strengthen suggested actions or solutions. Participatory vulnerability assessments were conducted with leaders in one peri-urban community and municipal and regional officials in waterrelated sectors. Actors framed water problems and potential solutions differently, placing blame most often at other levels of responsibility. While all pointed to the municipality as responsible for solving the most acute water problems, it was acknowledged that the municipality consistently underperforms in its responsibilities. All actors promoted concrete and detailed technical measures as solutions to many problems while governance-related ones such as training and increased cooperation between different levels were only discussed at an abstract level. While fiscal federalism would fit some of the suggested management solutions, issues such as ecosystem protection and flooding with cross-border externalities might require shared yet clearly defined responsibilities between different levels. We suggest that the water war of 2000 and the framings that emerged from it have so strongly impacted the current water management situation that alternative management models and solutions are rarely discussed. ©IWA Publishing 2017.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
IWA Publishing, 2017
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Framing, Integrated water resources management (IWRM), Scale issues, Urban water management, Water war
National Category
Other Environmental Engineering Water Engineering
urn:nbn:se:bth-15068 (URN)10.2166/wp.2017.050 (DOI)000407448400003 ()2-s2.0-85027269987 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2017-08-25 Created: 2017-08-25 Last updated: 2017-08-31Bibliographically approved
Wilk, J., Hjerpe, M. & Rydhagen, B. (2015). Adaptation Spinoffs from Technological and Socio-economic Changes. In: Inderberg, Tor Håkon; Eriksen, Siri; O'Brien, Karen; Sygna, Linda (Ed.), Climate Change Adaptation and Development: Transforming Paradigms and Practices (pp. 161-177). London, New York: Routledge
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Adaptation Spinoffs from Technological and Socio-economic Changes
2015 (English)In: Climate Change Adaptation and Development: Transforming Paradigms and Practices / [ed] Inderberg, Tor Håkon; Eriksen, Siri; O'Brien, Karen; Sygna, Linda, London, New York: Routledge , 2015, p. 161-177Chapter in book (Refereed)
Alternative title[sv]
Sidoeffekter för klimatanpassning från tekniska och socioekonomiska förändringar
Abstract [en]

Studies have shown that societal change related to economic growth and development policies can affect the adaptive capacity of communities to a multitude of stressors including climate variability and change. Concerns have recently been raised about the consequences of climate mitigation and adaptation on vulnerable groups and the impacts of large-scale globalization processes on the adaptive capacities of local communities. This chapter addresses how side effects of technological and socioeconomic changes, which we refer to as spinoffs have potential to strengthen climate adaptation strategies. The spinoff examples fall under a two-dimensional framework according to whether they arise from orchestrated or opportunity-driven initiatives and technological or socio-economic changes. Three cases in developing countries undergoing rapid economic growth have been chosen as examples of different types of spinoffs and how they can positively influence climate adaptation and more particularly adaptive capacity. They are: information and communication technology (ICT) in South Africa, changing lifestyles in China and empowerment in India. The cases illustrate that new objects, inventions and trends constantly emerge which have potential to help people improve their livelihoods in ways that can be climate smart. People working as development workers and policy makers need to be observant and engage in open-minded dialogue with communities in order to recognize emergent technologies, lifestyles and trends to facilitate the use and development of on-going or potential spinoffs that positively affect adaptation to climate change.

Abstract [sv]

Olika studier har visat att samhällsförändringar kopplade till ekonomiskt tillväxt eller policy-utveckling kan påverka lokalbefolkningens förmåga att anpassa sig till klimatförändringar och -variation. Många risker och negativa konsekvenser har diskuterats. Detta kapitel lyfter fram hur sidoeffekter av teknologiska eller samhällsförändringar, så kallade spinoff-effekter, kan ha positiv påverkan på anpassningsförmågan i lokalsamhället. Tre exempel ges i kapitlet. Spinoff-effekterna analyseras mot bakgrund av om förändringarna är planerade eller spontana, och om de gäller teknologiska eller socioekonmiska förändringar. Det första exemplet, spontan teknologisk utveckling, handlar om hur IT i Sydafrika kan användas för att skapa nätverk som motverkar skogsbränder vid torka. Det andra, spontan socioekonomisk förändring, handlar om hur efterfrågan på lokal turism och ekologiska livsmedel på landsbygden i Kina har bidragit till differentiering av försörjningen och ökat lantbrukarnas inkomster. Det tredje, planerad socioeknomisk förändring, handlar om hur stärkta kvinnogrupper i Indien lättare hanterar vattenförsörjning och tar ökat ledarskap. Dessa exempel vill visa för utvecklingsarbetare och politiker att det är viktigt att vara uppmärksam på, och föra en öppen dialog med lokalsamhällen för att få syn på hur ny teknologi, livsstilsförändringar och trender kan samverka och nyttjas i arbetetet med klimatanpassning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
London, New York: Routledge, 2015
climate change, development, adaptation
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
urn:nbn:se:bth-6396 (URN) (Local ID) (Archive number) (OAI)
Available from: 2015-03-17 Created: 2015-03-17 Last updated: 2018-01-11Bibliographically approved
Jonsson, A. C., Rydhagen, B., Wilk, J., Feroz, A., Rani, A. & Kumar, A. (2015). Climate Change Adaptation in urban India: The inclusive formulation of local adaptation strategies. Global NEST. International Journal, 17(1), 61-71
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2015 (English)In: Global NEST. International Journal, ISSN 1108-4006, Vol. 17, no 1, p. 61-71Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In Kota, the third largest city of Rajasthan, poverty levels are high in many areas and there is a great need to assess the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of different societal groups and sectors to the impacts of climatic variability and change, and to formulate sustainable planning strategies. The city is a large rapidly growing centre (but not a megacity), facing a varied and challenging water situation and anticipated harmful effects of climate change. The methodological approach involves participatory workshops with key stakeholders in urban administration to identify vulnerabilities, and discuss concrete strategies for increasing the adaptive capacity of the most vulnerable areas and sectors. The paper focuses on water resource planning (storm, potable, and wastewater), since it is already a challenging societal issue and one which will become even more critical in the future with climate change. We aim to contribute to improved urban water management for sustainable climate change adaptation in developing countries through an improved methodology of vulnerability assessments, capacity building and social learning, and a deeper empirical understanding of an urban context in Central India.

Abstract [sv]

I Kota, Rajasthan, är fattigdomen utbredd i flera områden och det finns ett stort behov av att kartlägga sårbarhet och anpassningsförmåga hos olika samhällsgrupper och sektorer till klimatvariation och –förändring, och att formulera hållbara planeringsstrategier. Staden växer snabbt som ett regionalt centrum och möter stora utmaningar när det gäller vattensituationen och negativa effekter av klimatförändring. Workshops med nyckelpersoner i den kommunala förvaltningen har genomförts för att identifiera sårbarheter och diskutera konkreta strategier för att öka anpassningsförmågan på olika nivåer. Artikeln fokuserar på vattenresursplanering som en av de kritiska framtidsfrågorna relaterat till urbanisering och klimatförändringar.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Global NEST, 2015
climate change adaptation, urban planning, participatory assessment, India, slum populations, wastewater drainage, heat wave, flash flood, solid waste management
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Environmental Analysis and Construction Information Technology Media and Communications
urn:nbn:se:bth-6330 (URN)000352254200007 () (Local ID) (Archive number) (OAI)
Available from: 2015-05-26 Created: 2015-03-17 Last updated: 2018-01-11Bibliographically approved
Trojer, L., Rydhagen, B. & Kjellqvist, T. (2014). Inclusive innovation processes – experiences from Uganda and Tanzania. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID), 6(5)
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2014 (English)In: African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID), ISSN 2042-1338, E-ISSN 2042-1346, Vol. 6, no 5Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

It has been well known since the 1960s that developing countries need to improve their capacity to use science and technology and that more efforts must be put into R&D that would benefit poor countries and people. Serious efforts to accomplish this exist but they are still too few and small in relation to the size of the problem. Whilst the supply of knowledge and competent people slowly has been growing, there is still a continued lack of demand for domestic knowledge. Foreign consultants dominate knowledge supply to government, industry and aid donors. Small firms and farms are not used to articulate their demand for knowledge. Such weak demand and timid articulation are typical signs of emerging innovations systems. Despite this, there are signs of a fragmented domestic creative potential that could be mobilised to increase innovation for inclusive development. In this article, practical experiences in Uganda and Tanzania illuminate possibilities to articulate and address the knowledge demand from firms and farms through cluster formation. In this type of cluster formations, universities have key roles as knowledge providers and as intermediaries that assist in building the ties and linkages necessary to move the innovation system to a higher state.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Routledge, 2014
Clusters, developing countries, emerging innovation systems, inclusive development, learning
National Category
Media and Communications
urn:nbn:se:bth-6435 (URN)10.1080/20421338.2014.970437 (DOI)
Available from: 2015-01-08 Created: 2015-01-08 Last updated: 2020-11-11Bibliographically approved
Rydhagen, B. & Trojer, L. (Eds.). (2014). The role of universities in inclusive innovation. Cluster development in East Africa.. Arusha: Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The role of universities in inclusive innovation. Cluster development in East Africa.
2014 (English)Collection (editor) (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
Universitetens roll i inkluderande innovation. Klusterutveckling i Östafrika.
Abstract [en]

Universities play a vital role in development and innovation in small and local businesses in East Africa. This has been made possible through Triple Helix processes linking academia, business and government in Innovative Cluster Initiatives. The cluster initiatives are coordinated through country chapters of Pan African Competitiveness Forum (PACF). Scandinavian Institute for Collaboration and Development (SICD) has been linked to PACF since start. In this anthology, active partners in cluster initiatives in Tanzania and Uganda present their experiences of university involvement. The contributors represent business persons in clusters, cluster facilitators, researchers in Uganda, Tanzania and Sweden and key persons of the PACF network.

Abstract [sv]

Universiteten spelar en viktig roll i utveckling och innovation i små och lokala företag i Östafrika. Detta har blivit möjligt genom triple helixprocesser som länkar samman akademi, företag och myndigheter i innovativa klusterinitiativ. Klusterinitiativen koordineras i nationella avdelningar av Pan African Competitiveness Forum (PACF). Scandinavian Institute for Collaboration and Development (SICD) samarbetar med PACF sedan starten. I den här antologin presenterar aktörer och partners i klusterinitiativen i Tanzania och Uganda sina erfarenheter av universitetens engagemang. Bidragen representerar företag i kluster, klusterfacilitatorer och forskare i Uganda, Tanzania och Sverige, samt nyckelpersoner inom PACFs nätverk.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Arusha: Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, 2014
cluster initiatives, innovation, Triple Helix
National Category
Media and Communications
urn:nbn:se:bth-6521 (URN) (Local ID)978-91-637-5000-7 (ISBN) (Archive number) (OAI)
Available from: 2014-12-01 Created: 2014-11-20 Last updated: 2015-06-30Bibliographically approved
Rydhagen, B. (2013). Genus och miljö. Lund: Studentlitteratur
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2013 (Swedish)Book (Other academic)
Alternative title[en]
Gender and environment
Abstract [sv]

Genus och miljö är två områden som sällan kopplas samman, men som båda ska integreras i olika verksamheter som undervisning, samhällsplanering och samhällsutveckling. Utgångspunkten för denna bok är att de båda områdena förutsätter varandra och måste hanteras samtidigt. Strävan efter jämställdhet måset ta hänsyn till de miljökonsekvenser som följer med förändringar som görs. Ansträngningar att minska belastningen på ekosystemen måste på motsvarande sätt belysa genusaspekter kring frågor som odling och vattenförsörjning eller energianvändning. Strävan efter jämställdhet leder till att vi inte alltid kan se tydligt hur framtidens miljöpolitik ska formas, och miljöproblem leder till att jämställdhetsarbetet måste omformuleras efter hand. Vägen in i framtiden är inte solklar och spikrak, och vi måste beträda den med varsamhet och lyhördhet för olika röster och nya insikter. Boken presenterar grundläggande genusvetenskapliga teorier kopplade till miljöfrågor, naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap och vänder sig till studenter inom miljövetenskapliga utbildningar samt till studenter inom genusvetenskap med intresse för miljöfrågor.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2013. p. 115
Gender, environment, sustainable development, intersectionality
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Civil Engineering
urn:nbn:se:bth-6870 (URN) (Local ID)978-91-44-08124-3 (ISBN) (Archive number) (OAI)
Lärobok för grundutbildning utgiven av StudentlitteraturAvailable from: 2013-09-25 Created: 2013-09-17 Last updated: 2018-01-11Bibliographically approved
Rydhagen, B. (2012). Feminist materiality and postcolonial development arenas. Paper presented at Feminist materialisms. Paper presented at Feminist materialisms. Copenhagen
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Feminist materiality and postcolonial development arenas
2012 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Refereed) Published
Alternative title[sv]
Feministisk materialitet och postkoloniala utvecklingsarenor
Abstract [en]

In eastern Uganda, volcanic activity in the past has formed a salt lake. Today, the lake is surrounded by a national park hosting elephants and other large animals. Close to the lake within the park is also a small town, Katwe. The human inhabitants live from salt extraction in the lake. The work is manual and bodies are exposed to salt water during daily work. Researchers’ and investors’ visions to develop the salt quality have created fear that while facilitating salt extraction, people’s access and control over the meager income from salt work will be eroded. What we find is a situation where discourses of development – including reducing health hazardous work conditions and increasing involvement in a larger economic system, bodies affected by salt and by hunger, and visions of future livelihoods in a natural reserve are melted together. Will a meltdown of Katwe town and its human inhabitants be the effect, or will their agency lead to new forms of local postdevelopment strategies? We aim to discuss the local situation in Katwe in relation to feminist materialist theory and postcolonial and postdevelopment thought.

Abstract [sv]

En saltsjö i Uganda används för saltutvinning av bybor i samhället Katwe. Saltarbetarna påverkas kraftigt av saltet, både som frätande och uttorkande lösning i vattnet, och som inkomstbringande resurs. Teknikutveckling och ekonomiska investeringar innebär möjligheter till mer industriell utvinning av saltet, vilket skulle öka intäkterna från sjön men troligtvis på bekostnad av lokalbefolkningen som saknar ekonomiska resurser och kunskap att driva en sådan verksamhet. Frågor om lokal och nationell utveckling aktualiseras med hjälp av feministisk materialism.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Copenhagen: , 2012
feminist materialism, salt lake, Uganda
National Category
Gender Studies
urn:nbn:se:bth-7106 (URN) (Local ID) (Archive number) (OAI)
Feminist materialisms
Available from: 2012-12-10 Created: 2012-12-06 Last updated: 2015-06-30Bibliographically approved
Rydhagen, B. (2011). Det finns inga skadedjur (Satellit). Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (4), 99-102
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2011 (Swedish)In: Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, no 4, p. 99-102Article, review/survey (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
Alternative title[en]
Satellite : There are no vermins
Abstract [sv]

Inom diskussionen om hållbar utveckling i miljörörelsen och inom den posthumana, nymaterialistiska och teknovetenskapliga feminismen är vi idag ivriga att utforska mångfalden, både inom mänskligheten och i ekosystemen, och vi söker efter sätt att förstå sammanhangen mellan de biologiska och de sociala livsvillkoren. Detta är precis vad Elin Wägner sammanfattar i sitt slutkapitel i boken Väckarklocka.

Abstract [en]

Det avslutande kapitlet i Elin Wägners bok Väckarklocka (1941) målar upp framtidsvisioner om hållbara samhällen där samverkan och gemenskap är grunden. Nutida feministiska författare betonar också samverkan, både mellan människor och med andra arter, som avgörande för jordens fortlevnad. Tystnad, ren luft och goda grannar ses då som nu som visioner om ett gott liv. Till detta lägger Wägner liksom nutida feminister jämställdhet mellan kön såväl som global jämlikhet och rättvisa.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Tema Genus, 2011
Elin Wägner, Molnfödelse, ekofeminism
National Category
Gender Studies
urn:nbn:se:bth-7107 (URN) (Local ID) (Archive number) (OAI)
The text is an invited comment; a so called "satellite" comments to a classic text that appears in each number of the journal.Available from: 2012-12-10 Created: 2012-12-06 Last updated: 2015-06-30Bibliographically approved

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