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Lilliehorn, S., Fjellfeldt, M., Högström, E. & Markström, U. (2023). Contemporary Accommodation Services for People with Psychiatric Disabilities – the Simple Taxonomy for Supported Accommodation (STAX-SA) Applied and Discussed in a Swedish Context. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 25(1), 92-105
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Contemporary Accommodation Services for People with Psychiatric Disabilities – the Simple Taxonomy for Supported Accommodation (STAX-SA) Applied and Discussed in a Swedish Context
2023 (English)In: Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, ISSN 1501-7419, E-ISSN 1745-3011, Vol. 25, no 1, p. 92-105Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This article focuses on the stock of accommodation service units for people withpsychiatric disabilities in Sweden and the classification of supported accommodation.We examined 122 units in 12 municipalities in Sweden and classified them accordingto the Simple Taxonomy for Supported Accommodation (STAX-SA). We found anobvious variation in the field and a movement into a recovery-oriented direction andtowards individuality. There is an emphasis on Move-On that seems to expand into andbeyond floating outreach support, and there is a relaxation of service units’ boundariesconcerning commitment and target groups. The correspondence to STAX-SA was quitelow (48%), and the applicability to ‘real world’ services was not satisfactory. Whencapturing variation and change in a rich dataset, STAX-SA is too reductive. However,STAX-SA was a successful point of departure in the analysis that opened up foridentifying diversities and movement. We suggest some adjustments to increase itsapplicability

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm University Press, 2023
psychiatric disabilities, supported accommodation, STAX-SA, deinstitutionalisation
National Category
Social Work
urn:nbn:se:bth-24406 (URN)10.16993/sjdr.879 (DOI)001000705200002 ()2-s2.0-85152640929 (Scopus ID)
Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, 2018-01325Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018-00058
Available from: 2023-04-04 Created: 2023-04-04 Last updated: 2023-06-27Bibliographically approved
Högström, E. & Philo, C. (2023). ‘Let there be light’ or life in the dark? Vital geographies of mental healthcare. Social Science and Medicine, 333, Article ID 116137.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>‘Let there be light’ or life in the dark? Vital geographies of mental healthcare
2023 (English)In: Social Science and Medicine, ISSN 0277-9536, E-ISSN 1873-5347, Vol. 333, article id 116137Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper explores the relations between light and dark/white and black disclosed in a study of Gartnavel Royal Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, where an old Victorian lunatic asylum remains, if becoming ruined, on the same site as a modern mental healthcare campus. In-depth interview work recovering the ‘spatial stories’ of patients and staff, past and present, reveals a complex mixture of positive and negative memories and interpretations prompted by both the ‘darkened spaces’ of Old Gartnavel and the liveliness associated with both sets of spaces. These findings are framed by (a) a reading of Badiou's short monograph on Black (Badiou, 2017) and (b) an engagement with light and dark studies, both of which suggest a rebalancing of the normal valuations whereby dark/black is cast as the realm of death, everything that deadens and threatens life, whereas light/white is cast as that of life, liveliness and vitality. The scholarship here speaks to work on vitalist health geographies, agreeing that vital health-worlds can surface almost anywhere, but reminding that the fragility of such worlds can always be threatened by too much over-ordering. © 2023 The Authors

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2023
Black and white, Light and dark, Liveliness and deathliness, Mental health geographies, Vital health geographies, Glasgow [Scotland], Scotland, United Kingdom, health geography, health services, health worker, mental health, adult, article, drug mixture, geography, human, interview, medical geography, memory, mental hospital
National Category
Human Geography
urn:nbn:se:bth-25347 (URN)10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116137 (DOI)001068408500001 ()2-s2.0-85168796559 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2023-09-08 Created: 2023-09-08 Last updated: 2023-10-26Bibliographically approved
Markström, U., Högström, E. & Fjellfeldt, M. (2023). Mental health supported accommodation services in a post-deinstitutionalised era: Experiences from Swedish service providers. Alter;European Journal of Disability Research ;Journal Europeen de Recherche Sur le Handicap, 17(3), 39-56
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Mental health supported accommodation services in a post-deinstitutionalised era: Experiences from Swedish service providers
2023 (English)In: Alter;European Journal of Disability Research ;Journal Europeen de Recherche Sur le Handicap, ISSN 1875-0672, E-ISSN 1875-0680, Vol. 17, no 3, p. 39-56Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The movement towards deinstitutionalisation of mental health services has created a space for new and community-based solutions in western countries, but the field still seems to lack coherent ideological and practical features. This is also evident for issues related to housing. The aim of this article is to examine the characteristics of supportive accommodation services for people with psychiatric disabilities in Sweden, according to the experiences of local service providers. The focus is placed on the services' organizational setting, main orientation, and conceptual content. This article is based on a multiple case study of ten Swedish municipalities, purposely selected regarding size, location, and demographic features. Data mainly consist of interviews with key informants in the social service organisation. The results indicate the emergence of a new generation of service users with complex needs, who challenge both the organisation and the content of the service offered. Group homes and mobile housing support appeared as pillars in the service supply, but several local and pragmatically oriented solutions were also identified, as well as ambitions to scale down the extent of institutional settings. The guiding idea present at most sites is a strive towards increased autonomy among service users.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Psychiatric Disability, Supported, Accommodation, tion, Desinstitutionalisa-tion, Institutional Logics
National Category
Social Work
urn:nbn:se:bth-25776 (URN)001102753200004 ()
Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, 2018-01325Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018-00058Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018-00192
Available from: 2023-12-15 Created: 2023-12-15 Last updated: 2023-12-15Bibliographically approved
Andersén, J., Berglund-Snodgrass, L. & Högström, E. (2023). Municipal responsibilities in strategic housing provision planning: to accommodate, support and facilitate. Planning practice + research, 38(2), 236-252
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Municipal responsibilities in strategic housing provision planning: to accommodate, support and facilitate
2023 (English)In: Planning practice + research, ISSN 0269-7459, E-ISSN 1360-0583, Vol. 38, no 2, p. 236-252Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Swedish municipalities are obliged to formulate housing provision policies in housing programs, as part of municipal strategic planning. This article explores how municipalities interpret this responsibility. We analyze housing provision programs by drawing from prospective responsibility and policy analysis. Our analysis shows three different prospective responsibilities in the municipality’s production of housing provision responsibility. The results show that municipalities take actions by different means, leading to ambiguities and inequalities in housing provision planning. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Routledge, 2023
housing provision programs, policy analysis, prospective responsibility, Strategic planning
National Category
Public Administration Studies Landscape Architecture
urn:nbn:se:bth-24063 (URN)10.1080/02697459.2022.2147643 (DOI)000889659400001 ()2-s2.0-85142608247 (Scopus ID)
Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, 2018-01325Swedish Research Council, 2018-00058

Open access

Available from: 2022-12-09 Created: 2022-12-09 Last updated: 2023-06-19Bibliographically approved
Berglund‐snodgrass, L., Fjellfeldt, M., Högström, E. & Markström, U. (2022). A Healthy City for All? Social Services’ Roles in Collaborative Urban Development. Urban Planning, 7(4), 113-123
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Healthy City for All? Social Services’ Roles in Collaborative Urban Development
2022 (English)In: Urban Planning, E-ISSN 2183-7635, Vol. 7, no 4, p. 113-123Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

There is broad consensus among policymakers about the urgency of developing healthy, inclusive, and socially sustainable cities. In the Swedish context, social services are considered to have knowledge that needs to be integrated into the broader urban development processes in order to accomplish such ends. This article aims to better understand the ways in which social service officials collaborate in urban development processes for developing the social dimensions of healthy cities. We draw from neo‐institutional theories, which set out actors (e.g., social service officials) as acting according to a logic of appropriateness, which means that actors do what they see as appropriate for themselves in a specific type of situation. Based on semi‐structured interviews with social services officials in 10 Swedish municipalities on their experiences of collaboration in the development of housing and living environments for people with psychiatric disabilities, we identified that they act based on (a) a pragmatic rule of conduct through the role of the problem solver, (b) a bureaucratic rule of conduct through the role of the knowledge provider, and (c) activist rule of conduct through the role of the advo-cator. In these roles, they have little authority in the development processes, and are unable to set the agenda for the social dimensions of healthy cities but act as the moral consciousness by looking out for everyone’s right to equal living conditions in urban development. © 2022 by the author(s); licensee Cogitatio (Lisbon, Portugal).

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Cogitatio Press, 2022
collaboration, healthy cities, psychiatric disabilities, social services, Sweden
National Category
Social Work Human Geography
urn:nbn:se:bth-23827 (URN)10.17645/up.v7i4.5620 (DOI)000878374600009 ()2-s2.0-85140573885 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018‐00058Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018–00192Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, 2018‐01325

open access

Available from: 2022-11-04 Created: 2022-11-04 Last updated: 2022-11-17Bibliographically approved
Högström, E. (2022). Framtidsverkstad: 21-22 oktober 2022.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Framtidsverkstad: 21-22 oktober 2022
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2022 (Swedish)Other, Exhibition catalogue (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Abstract [sv]

BAKGRUND  Denna folder är framtagen inom det fyra-åriga tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprojektet LEX-projektet. Hållbara livsmiljöer för psykiskt funktionshindrade. Att integrera bostadsplanering och välfärdsservice genom nya kollaborativa praktiker. Projektet startade startade 2019 och finansieras med medel från de två statliga forskningsråden Formas och Forte. Vi som jobbar i LEX är forskare inom fysisk planering, byggd miljö och socialt arbete från fyra olika lärosäten i Sverige - Blekinge tekniska högskola, Högskolan Dalarna, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet SLU samt Umeå universitet. Till projektet hör även en referensgrupp med företrädare från Boverket, Socialstyrelsen, Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner (SKR) och Nationell Samverkan för Psykisk Hälsa (NSPH) samt forskare från Karolinska Institutet (KI) och Kungliga tekniska högskolan (KTH).

En framtidsverkstad är en metod som syftar till att förändra genom att kartlägga och diskutera hur en situtation ser ut idag, vad problemet är med den, hur det skulle kunna vara på ett annat sätt, dvs vad krävs för att nå detta andra sätt samt hur ansvaret för att genomföra förändringen bör fördelas.

Den här framtidsverkstadens bestod av en stadsvandring och en workshop med tjänstepersoner från olika förvaltningar från Umeå kommun  De bilder och citat som presenteras i denna folder hade vi med som inspel till den första dagens stadsvandring. Dessa är framarbetade genom metoden PhotoVoice tillsammans med tolv personer med egen erfarenhet av psykiskohälsa, psykiatri och socialtjänst i tre grupper från tre olika städer. Deltagarna förmedlade erfarenheter av sin livsmiljö genom att fotografera olika platser och berätta om dem. Under den andra dagen träffades framtidsverkstadens deltagare föratt genomföra en workshop kring problem och möjligheter kringboende och livsmiljö för personer med psykisk ohälsa. Även samverkansfrågoroch stödinsatser behandlas.

p. 22
framtidsverkstad, psykisk ohälsa, livsmiljöer, Photo Voice, kommunal samverkan
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Research subject
Spatial Planning
urn:nbn:se:bth-24228 (URN)
Formas 2018-00058 LEX-projektet. Hållbara livsmiljöer för psykiskt funktionshindrade. Att integrera bostadsplanering och välfärdsservice genom nya kollaborativa praktiker
Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, 2018-01325Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018-00058
Available from: 2023-02-22 Created: 2023-02-22 Last updated: 2023-02-24Bibliographically approved
Högström, E., Berglund-Snodgrass, L. & Fjellfeldt, M. (2022). The Challenges of Social Infrastructure for Urban Planning. Urban Planning, 7(4), 377-380
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Challenges of Social Infrastructure for Urban Planning
2022 (English)In: Urban Planning, E-ISSN 2183-7635, Vol. 7, no 4, p. 377-380Article in journal, Editorial material (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This editorial addresses social infrastructure in relation to urban planning and localisation, drawing together the themes in this thematic issue on “Localizing Social Infrastructures: Welfare, Equity, and Community.” Having contextualised social infrastructure, we present each of the 12 contributions by theme: (a) the social consequences of the localisation of social infrastructure for individuals, (b) the preconditions for localising social infrastructure in the urban landscape, and (c) the social consequences for the long-term social sustainability of the wider community. We conclude with the openings for future research, such as the need to continue researching localisation (for example, the ways localisations of social infrastructure support, maintain, or hinder inclusion and community-building, and which benefits would come out of using localisation as a strategic planning tool); second, funding (the funding of non-commercial social infrastructure and who would take on the responsibility); and third, situated knowledge (the knowledge needed by planners, architects, social service officials, decision makers, and the like to address and safeguard the importance of social infrastructure in urban development and regeneration processes).

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Cogitatio Press, 2022
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
urn:nbn:se:bth-24205 (URN)10.17645/up.v7i4.6526 (DOI)000905291000001 ()2-s2.0-85146237428 (Scopus ID)
Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, 2018–01325Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018–00058Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018–00192

open access

Available from: 2023-01-20 Created: 2023-01-20 Last updated: 2023-02-14Bibliographically approved
Högström, E., Markström, U., Berglund-Snodgrass, L., Fjellfeldt, M., Andersén, J. & Lillehorn, S. (2021). Boende och livsmiljö för personer med psykisk ohälsa: En forskningsrapport om stödinsatser, samarbete över förvaltningsgränser och bostadsförsörjning. Karlskrona: Blekinge Tekniska Högskola
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Boende och livsmiljö för personer med psykisk ohälsa: En forskningsrapport om stödinsatser, samarbete över förvaltningsgränser och bostadsförsörjning
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2021 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

I denna rapport har vi redovisat den första delen av två i det tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprojektet LEX-projektet. Hållbara livsmiljöer för psykiskt funktionshindrade. Att integrera bostadsplanering och välfärdsservice genom nya kollaborativa praktiker.  

Vår utgångspunkt var att ta reda på mer om vad som kännetecknar stödinsatser riktade till människor med psykisk funktionsnedsättning och hur dessa organiseras, samt undersöka tvärsektoriell samverkan i fråga om planering för bostadsförsörjning och inkluderande livsmiljöer. 

Vårt material visar att målgruppen för boende- och stödinsatser har förändrats. Personer med funktionsnedsättningar till följd långvarig psykossjukdom utgör fortfarande en central grupp, ofta med behov av insatser med hög servicenivå. Målgruppen för insatserna är dock stadd i förändring och detta har i några kommuner medfört en utveckling mot en mer generell organisation för stödinsatserna utan specialistfunktioner. Boendeinsatser beslutade i enlighet med SoL dominerar men en blandning av förhållningssätt kan ses, från enskilda undantag där LSS tillämpas till en kommun där alla beslut om bostad med särskild service tas enligt LSS. När det gäller verksamhetstyperna för stödinsatser dominerar det traditionella gruppboendet och boendestödet. Vissa menar att gruppboendet som typ kommer på sikt att försvinna, och bland verksamhetsansvariga finns det en samsyn att fältet i stort är på väg mot en inriktning att arbeta i riktning mot ökad självständighet och autonomi för brukarna inom verksamheterna. 

Hur socialtjänst och samhällsbyggnadsförvaltningar arbetar tillsammans med frågor som berör målgruppen skiljer sig åt mellan kommunerna. Arbetet organiseras ibland i nätverk, ibland handlar det om koordinering, i vissa fall samarbete eller samverkan vilket gör att den gemensamma spelplanen ser tämligen olika ut. I en del kommuner finns det fora för kontinuerligt gemensamt arbete, i andra anses det inte behövas alls. Hur möten mellan de båda förvaltningarna organiseras, på vems initiativ och ansvar hanteras på olika sätt. Det är en komplex bild som träder fram där frågor förs fram i olika instanser och på olika nivåer inom den egna förvaltningen såväl som mellan förvaltningarna.  

När det gäller det kommunala bostadsförsörjningsansvaret är arbetet med att ta fram bostadsförsörjningsprogrammet en viktig del. Tjänstepersoner från olika förvaltningar engageras på olika sätt i detta arbete, från samordning och koordinering till långsiktiga strategiska samarbeten. Olika typer av roller utvecklas, som initiativtagare, informationsgivare, expert eller språkrör med olika handlingsutrymmen.Socialtjänstens erfarenhetsbaserade kunskap om rådande situation för olika grupper tas inte alltid i bruk. Att frågan är politisk känslig och hellre förs fram som en bred målsättning om ’bostad för alla’ utan tydligare konkretisering framträder i materialet.  

De kommunala strategierna kring lokalisering av bostäder med särskild service handlar om omvandling av befintliga lokaler, bygga nya boenden i redan uppbyggda bostadsområden samt planering för nya boenden i stadsutvecklingsprocesser. Det övergripande mönstret för lokaliseringen av boenden är i bostadsområden men i utkanten, en kompromiss mellan socialförvaltningens idéer om social inkludering och samhällsbyggnadsförvaltningarnas tankar om integritet. Brukarnas möjligheter att skaffa sig positiva grannkontakter kan dock försvåras av sådana perifera lokaliseringar. 

Vad en inkluderande, ‘god’, livsmiljö skulle kunna vara för personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning visar sig vara en ny frågeställning för våra informanter. Flera informanter från socialtjänsten inte tidigare funderat över hur boenden och sysselsättning förhåller sig till varandra geografiskt och på vilket sätt det påverkar upplevelser av livsmiljön. Att frågan om inkluderande livsmiljöer för vår målgrupp skulle kunna ses som en del i den bredare samhällsplaneringen var inte självklart för samhällsplanerarna. Det framkom också att det är svårare för kommunen att ställa krav på de som bygger boenden med särskild service och andra liknande omsorgsboenden än när det gäller kommunhus, bibliotek eller simhallar, något som avspeglas i lokalisering och arkitektonisk kvalitet. 

Abstract [en]

In this report, we have presented the first part of two in the interdisciplinary research project LEX - sustainable Living Environments for people with psychiatric disabilities. Aligning housing planning and social services through eXperimental collaborative practices

Our starting point was to find out more about what characterizes support measures aimed at people with mental disabilities and how these are organized, and to investigate cross-sectoral collaboration in terms of planning for housing and inclusive living environments. 

Our material shows that the target group for housing and support initiatives has changed. People with disabilities due to long-term psychological disabilities still constitute a central group, often in need of interventions with a high level of service. However, the target group for the initiatives is changing and this has in some municipalities led to a development towards a more general organization for the support initiatives without specialist functions. Housing initiatives decided in accordance with SoL dominate, but a mixture of approaches can be seen, from individual exceptions where LSS is applied to a municipality where all decisions about housing with special services are made according to LSS. When it comes to the types of activities for support measures, traditional group housing and housing support dominate. Some believe that group housing as a type will eventually disappear, and among those responsible for operations, there is a consensus that the field is generally moving towards a direction to work towards increased independence and autonomy for the users within the operations. 

The ways in which social services and community building administrations work together with issues that affect the target group differs between the municipalities. The work is sometimes organized in networks, sometimes it is about coordination, in some cases cooperation or collaboration. In some municipalities, there are forums for continuous joint work, in others it is not considered necessary at all. How meetings between the two administrations are organized, on whose initiative and responsibilities are handled in different ways. It is a complex picture that emerges where issues are raised in different instances and at different levels within the own administration as well as between the administrations. 

When it comes to municipal housing provision responsibility, the work of developing the housing provision program is an important part. Officials from different administrations are involved in various ways in this work, from coordination and coordination to long-term strategic collaborations. Different types of roles are produced, such as initiators, information providers, experts or spokespersons with different areas of action. The social services' experience-based knowledge of the current situation for different groups is not always used. In the material, the issue appears to be politically sensitive and is presented as a broad goal of 'housing for all', but with limited concretization. 

The municipal strategies for locating housing with special services are about converting existing premises, building new housing in already built-up housing areas and planning for new housing in urban development processes. The overall pattern for the location of housing is in the outskirts of  residential areas, a compromise between the social administration's ideas about social inclusion and the community building administrations' ideas about integrity. However, users' opportunities to acquire positive neighborly contacts may be hampered by such peripheral locations. 

What an inclusive, ‘good’, living environment could be for people with mental disabilities turns out to be a new issue for our interviewed officials. Several informants from the social services have not previously thought about how housing and employment relate to each other geographically and in what way it affects experiences of the living environment. Considering inclusive living environments for our target group as part of the broader community planning was not obvious to the planners. It also emerged that it is more difficult for the municipality to make architectural demands to those who build housing with special services and other similar care housing than what it is to those who construct other public buildings such as city halls, libraries or swimming pools, something that is reflected in location and architectural quality.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlskrona: Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, 2021. p. 43
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Forskningsrapport, ISSN 1103-1581 ; 2021:03
fysisk planering; socialtjänsten; tvärsektoriell samverkan; bostadsförsörjning; livsmiljö; stödinsatser; lokalisering; människor med psykiska funktionshinder
National Category
Social Sciences Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Research subject
Spatial Planning
urn:nbn:se:bth-22216 (URN)ISRN BTH-RES--03/21—SE (ISRN)
2018-00058 Formas/ LEX-projektet. Hållbara livsmiljöer för psykiskt funktionshindrade. Att integrera bostadsplanering och välfärdsservice genom nya kollaborativa praktiker
Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018-00058Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, 2018-01325
Available from: 2021-10-21 Created: 2021-10-21 Last updated: 2021-10-28Bibliographically approved
Fjellfeldt, M., Högström, E., Berglund Snodgrass, L. & Markström, U. (2021). Fringe or Not Fringe? Strategies for Localizing Supported Accommodation in a Post‐Deinstitutional Era. Social Inclusion, 9(3), 201-213
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Fringe or Not Fringe? Strategies for Localizing Supported Accommodation in a Post‐Deinstitutional Era
2021 (English)In: Social Inclusion, E-ISSN 2183-2803, Vol. 9, no 3, p. 201-213Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Finding suitable locations for supported accommodations is crucial both for the wellbeing of individuals with psychiatric disabilities (PD) and to achieve the objectives of the mental health care reform in order to create opportunities for social inclusion. This article explores municipal strategies for localizing supported accommodations for people with PD. In a multiple case study, interviews with 20 municipal civil servants from social services and urban planning were conducted. Three strategies were identified and further analyzed with a public location theory approach: (1) re‐use, i.e., using existing facilities for a new purpose, (2) fill‐in, i.e., infilling new purpose‐built facilities in existing neighborhoods, and (3) insert, i.e., inserting new premises or facilities as part of a new development. The article shows that the “re‐use” strategy was employed primarily for pragmatic reasons, but also because re‐using former care facilities was found to cause less con‐ flicts, as residents were supposedly used to neighbors with special needs. When the “fill‐in” and “insert” strategies were employed, new accommodations were more often located on the outskirts of neighborhoods. This was a way to balance potential conflicts between residents in ordinary housing and residents in supported accommodations, but also to meet alleged viewpoints of service users’ need for a quiet and secluded accommodation. Furthermore, ideas associated with social services’ view of social inclusion and urban planning’s notion of “tricky” tenants significantly influenced localization strategies. Finally, this article is also a call for more empirical research on the decision‐making processes, use of strategies (intended or not) and spatial outcomes, when localizing supported accommodation for people with PD and other groups in need of support and service.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Cogitatio Press, 2021
municipal localization strategies; psychiatric disabilities; public facility location; social inclusion; supported accommodation
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Research subject
Spatial Planning
urn:nbn:se:bth-22015 (URN)10.17645/si.v9i3.4319 (DOI)000691063200004 ()2-s2.0-85113527987 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018‐00058, 2018–00192

open access

Available from: 2021-08-16 Created: 2021-08-16 Last updated: 2024-07-04Bibliographically approved
Berglund Snodgrass, L., Högström, E., Fjellfeldt, M. & Markström, U. (2021). Organizing cross-sectoral housing provision planning: settings, problems and knowledge. European Planning Studies, 29(5), 862-882
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Organizing cross-sectoral housing provision planning: settings, problems and knowledge
2021 (English)In: European Planning Studies, ISSN 0965-4313, E-ISSN 1469-5944, Vol. 29, no 5, p. 862-882Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In the governance of housing provision, the public sector is considered unable efficiently to manage such problems through the traditional bureaucratic organizations and associated governing tools. Instead, municipalities are expected to engage in collaborative processes across sectors and with external stakeholders, with the overarching objective to deliver more efficient planning outcomes. As the processes are carried out across sectors, it opens up the opportunity to privilege certain sectors’ perspectives and marginalize others. By drawing from Mouffe's agonistic political theories, this article makes an empirical account of the political in organizing cross-sectoral collaborative planning in Swedish municipalities, with the empirical example of developing municipal programmes for housing provision. The article concludes that social service is severely marginalized in what is generally a depoliticized housing provision planning process. Underpinning the collaboration is the conceptualizing of housing provision as primarily a general deficit in constructing housing. Primarily organizing objectivist knowledge, housing provision is constructed as a technical and procedural matter rather than ideological and political. Through such organizing principles, the overarching housing provision problem remains undealt with, e.g. how do we provide housing to ‘all’ our citizens?

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Routledge, 2021
collaborative planning, Cross-sector planning, housing provision planning, the political, bureaucracy, efficiency measurement, governance approach, housing project, housing provision, marginalization, political ideology, residential development
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
urn:nbn:se:bth-20217 (URN)10.1080/09654313.2020.1792416 (DOI)000549031700001 ()2-s2.0-85088048437 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018-00058Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, 2018-01325

Open access

Available from: 2020-07-15 Created: 2020-07-15 Last updated: 2021-12-20Bibliographically approved
CollAge: Collaboratively developing age-friendly communities with municipality eldercare, spatial planning and Senior Citizens’ Councils [2021-01424_Forte]; Umeå University; Publications
Andersson, K., Högström, E., Nord, C., Sjölund, M., Movilla Vega, D., Nyberg, A. & Rasaili, T. (2024). Collaborative compexity in developing caring living arrangements for ageing people. In: : . Paper presented at 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, NKG2024, Ageing in a transforming world, Stockholm, June 12-14 2024. Rasaili, T. (2024). Spatial justice in eldercare discourse in Swedish municipal comprehensive plans. In: 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology: . Paper presented at 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Stockholm, June 12-14, 2024.

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