A quantitative study was conducted with the aim to investigate whether individuals use a specific conflict strategy when they are in a task conflict or a relationship conflict in their workplace. The study also examined whether individuals experience positive or negative effects of a task conflict or a relationship conflict when a specific conflict strategy have been used. Previous research explains the effects of task conflicts and relationship conflicts at the workplace (De Dreu, 2008) Likewise lifts the effects of the conflict strategies interaction, avoidance, and power and coercion (Hoerr, 2005; Meyer, 2004; Trudel & Reio Jr., 2011). However it does not tie together what the conflicts and conflict strategies have for effects together. This also means that it is impossible to discern if there is a strategy that is frequently used in a specific conflict type. The study group consisted of 62 participants from different workplaces that responded to a survey. The results showed that the participants have experienced positive and / or negative effects when they are in a task conflict or a relationship conflict and use a specific conflict strategy. The authors could not discern whether individuals use a specific conflict strategy when they are in a task conflict or a relationship conflict.