Idag använder många stora företag sig av distansarbete, där projekt utförs på olika orter/länder. För att få distansarbetet att vara så effektivt som möjligt så använder projektgrupperna sig av tekniska verktyg i sina möten som är utvecklade för att effektivisera dessa virtuella möten bland projektgruppen som befinner sig på olika orter/länder. Projektgruppen beteendet har också stor påverkan på hur effektiva dessa virtuella möten blir.
Many organizations choose to work in a distributed environment in order to be competitive in many locations both nationally and internationally. The new technologi make it possible for organizations to communicate, collaborate and develop at a distance. That means that many projectmeetings that require employees from different locations to meet can be hold virtually. This contributes to significant savings for organizations, temporally and financially. This study will focus on the technical communication tools and meetings’ discipline and how these factors affect the efficiency of virtual meetings. In the company where the study took place their projects are very distributed across the country, which means that employees are dependent on the virtual meetings to develop at a distance. This study was conducted using participant observation and structured interviews. The results of this study show that different factors related to the Technical communication tools and meetings’ discipline has a big impact on the efficiency of virtual meetings.