Applying good EIA practice criteria to SEA: the Öresund Bridge as a case
Ansvarig organisation 2003 (Engelska) Konferensbidrag, Publicerat paper (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]
The paper is concerned with the evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and good EIA practice criteria. It also looks at the applicability of such criteria to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). This is done though a closer examination of three good practice criteria proposed by Westerlund: the basis for the decision criterion, the result criterion and the alternative criterion. A connection is made with the Swedish Öresund Bridge project and the criteria are problematized in light of this project. The discussion is also linked to the issue of rationality in strategic decision-making. The paper argues that seeing SEA as an EIA analogy is not purely straightforward.
Abstract [sv]
Artikeln undersöker 'good practice'-kriterier för miljökonsekvensbedömning (MKB) och deras relevans för strategisk miljöbedömning (SMB). Med Öresundsbron som casestudie konkluderar artikeln att det kan vara problematiskt att se SMB som en analogi av MKB. Miljökonsekvensbedömning, Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning, Strategisk miljöbedömning, Öresundsbron, rationalitet, beslutsfattande, beslutskriterier.
Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor Reykjavik: Nordregio , 2003.
Nyckelord [en]
Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Öresund Bridge, decision-making, good practice criteria, rationality
Nationell ämneskategori
Miljöanalys och bygginformationsteknik
Identifikatorer URN: urn:nbn:se:bth-9557 Lokalt ID: ISBN: 91-89332-36-9 (tryckt) OAI: DiVA, id: diva2:837432
Konferens 5th Nordic Environmental Assessment Conference
Anmärkning Published by Nordregio under the title "Planning for Sustainable Development - the practice and potential of Environmental Assessment. Report R2004:2. Editors Tuija Hilding-Rydevik and Ásdis Hlökk Theodórsdóttir. Report (4Mb!) can be downloaded:
2012-09-182004-12-062015-06-30 Bibliografiskt granskad