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I mötet mellan projekt och process. Om samverkan
Ansvarig organisation
2000 (Svenska)Licentiatavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)Alternativ titel
The meeting between the project and the process. About collaboration and trust relations in the regeneration of a neighbourhood (Engelska)
Abstract [sv]

This thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Architecture is an inquiry into the possibilities and obstacles for a communicative planning practice in the regeneration of neighbourhoods. Focusing on the planning process it discusses the commonly used concept of collaboration and trust as a prerequisite of collaboration. It draws on communicative planning theory and the institutionalist approach in social science. The study includes a qualitative case study of a regeneration project in the neighbourhood Navestad in Norrköping. The regeneration project was officially described as a continuous process based on a participatory approach and collaboration between different planning levels. The project aimed to break the pattern of prior regeneration projects in the neighbourhood; projects with an ad hoc character based on an instrumental and objective planning approach. The thesis highlights two aspects of trust relations as momentous for collaboration in the regeneration project: the reciprocity in trust and the significance of prior experiences in the judgement of the risk in showing trust in the relationships between different stakeholders in the planning process. Different styles of planning governance within the regeneration project are identified. The analysis of the planning process shows that collaboration was obstructed by differences in the rationality of means between stakeholders acting in different governance styles. The thesis emphasizes that the institutional basis for developing governance forms that facilitate a communicative planning practice is too weak for breaking the pattern of objective and instrumental planning of the previous regeneration projects in the neighbourhood.

Abstract [en]

De ord som idag används för att beskriva planeringsprocesser i befintliga bostadsområden känns välbekanta och självklara. Ord som delaktighet, helhetsperspektiv, samverkan och de boendes inflytnade pekar på en process som kan beskrivas som kommunikativ. Den process som begreppen beskriver innebär dock ofta i praktiken ett brott mot tidigare planeringsprocesser och planeringstänkande. I denna licentiatavhandling riktas intresset mot de hinder och möjligheter som finns för utvecklingen av en kommunikativ planeringspraktik. Innebörden av samverkan problematiseras och tillit diskuteras som en förutsättning för att samverkan ska uppstå. Licentiatavhandlingen bygger på empiri från en fallstudie av ett lokalt utvecklingsarbete i bostadsområdet Navestad i Norrköping och en teoretisk behandling av ämnet.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Göteborg: Department of Urban design and planning, Chalmers University of Technology , 2000. , s. 148
, ISSN 0349-3091
Nyckelord [sv]
Navestad, kommunikativ planering, governance, samverkan
Nationell ämneskategori
Samhällsbyggnadsteknik Arkitekturteknik
URN: urn:nbn:se:bth-00159Lokalt ID: oai:bth.se:forskinfoA66F580A823AD803C12569450035F2BAOAI: oai:DiVA.org:bth-00159DiVA, id: diva2:837617
Tillgänglig från: 2012-09-18 Skapad: 2000-08-24 Senast uppdaterad: 2015-06-30Bibliografiskt granskad

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