Doctoral supervision is a challenging process, and supervisors use multiple supervision styles to ensure the success of their doctoral students in their research and education. To provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of these supervision practices and help identify areas for improvement, it is important to understand how doctoral students perceive different aspects of supervision. This study aims to explore the perspectives of doctoral students regarding the supervision practices of their supervisors at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). The study employs a deductive approach with a cross-sectional study design. A survey questionnaire was sent to the doctoral students at BTH. The survey included questions on the five facets of supervision based on the theoretical framework by Halse and Malfroy [1]: learning alliance, habits of mind, scholarly expertise, technè, and contextual expertise. The data collected was quantitative, and descriptive analysis was performed. The total number of respondents (N) was 51 (53.12%) out of 96 invited participants. Results indicated that while most students reported effective learning alliance, significant challenges were noted in fostering teamwork, providing constructive feedback, and offering technical guidance. Specific departments, such as the Department of Computer Science (DIDA) and the Department of Health (TIHA), reported more substantial challenges across multiple facets of supervision. In conclusion, while the overall perception of supervision at BTH is positive, there is a clear need for targeted interventions to address the identified weaknesses and enhance the quality of doctoral education. This information can help strengthen the quality of the doctoral programs at BTH.