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District Heating and CHP: A Vital Role for the Development towards a Sustainable Society?
(Energy Systems Linkoping University)
Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Engineering, Department of Strategic Sustainable Development. (Sustainability-driven Innovation)
Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Engineering, Department of Strategic Sustainable Development.
2012 (English)In: Latest trends in sustainable and green deveopment - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars (USCUDAR 12), WSEAS Press , 2012, p. 157-167Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

In Sweden, district heating (DH) is quite well developed and is already mainly based on non-fossil fuels. Increased use of DH is therefore considered as a way of phasing out fossil energy for heating purposes. Furthermore, increased use of DH provides an increased basis for combined heat and power production (CHP). Considering that coal condensing is the marginal production of electricity in Europe, increased use of bio-fueled CHP leads to even greater reductions of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However, in a sustainable society, where there is no longer a systematic increase of CO2 (and no other sustainability problems), the benefits of DH are less obvious. The aim of this work is to explore the impact of DH and CHP in the development towards such a society. A local energy system is studied for five different time periods from 2010 to 2060 with different marginal technologies for electricity production. Results show that when the local energy utility co-operate with a local industry plant and invests in a new CHP plant for waste incineration the global CO2 emissions for the whole studied time period will be reduced with about 48 000 tonnes, which corresponds to over 100 % of the emissions from today’s system for the same time period. When considering that bio fuel is a scarce resource, and that the amount of CO2 emission linked to waste probably will be lower in sustainable society, the global CO2 emissions will be about 250% lower compared to the system of today. The studied DH related cooperation and introduction of CHP will reduce the system cost for the whole studied energy system with 2 500 MSEK for the studied period. In general, the results indicate that the modeled measures will not have any major advantages over other heating technologies in a sustainable society but that it can play a vital role for the development towards such a society.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
WSEAS Press , 2012. p. 157-167
Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Series, ISSN 2227-4359 ; 5
Keywords [en]
Sustainable Society, Energy Systems, District Heating, Combined Heat and Power, Global CO2 Emissions, Coal-fired Condensing Power Plant.
National Category
Environmental Management Infrastructure Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:bth-13599ISBN: 978-1-61804-132-6 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:1055780
3rd International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars (USCUDAR), Barcelona
Available from: 2016-12-13 Created: 2016-12-13 Last updated: 2018-05-23Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Business Model Design for Strategic Sustainable Development
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Business Model Design for Strategic Sustainable Development
2017 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Humanity confronts an existential threat without historic precedent. Environmental pressures have reached such intensity and pace of change that the earth system may be irreversibly tipped into a new and unpredictable state. The emerging global reality is, in turn, redefining overall conditions for business success. Addressing these challenges both demands and brings great opportunities for innovation. An important and sometimes neglected aspect of innovation is the design or redesign of business models, which has been identified as a greater source of lasting competitive advantage than new products and services per se. The business model has also been suggested as a new unit of analysis when discussing sustainability. However, this is still a relatively underexplored area. The aim of this work was therefore to develop an approach to business model design that supports strategic sustainable development, i.e., supports organizations to contribute to society’s transition towards sustainability in a way that strengthens the organization.    


To be able to design a business model that supports strategic sustainable development, it is necessary to know what sustainability is and how to develop sustainability-promoting, economically viable strategies. Therefore, the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, which includes, e.g., an operational definition of sustainability and strategic guidelines for how to approach it, was used as an overarching framework. Specific research methods and techniques included, e.g., literature reviews, questionnaires, interviews, work with focus groups, participatory action research with partner organizations, creative problem solving techniques, modeling, and simulation.


The literature reviews revealed potential sustainability benefits of developing business models in conjunction with product-service systems (PSS). However, a knowledge gap exists regarding how to effectively connect these fields. Arguably, PSS strategies can best contribute to sustainability when business models support their implementation and when both the business models and the PSS strategies are guided by an understanding of strategic sustainable development. Therefore, an integrated approach to Business Model Design for Strategic Sustainable Development was co-developed and tested in PSS innovation work with partners, e.g., companies within the energy and lighting sectors. The tests indicated that the new approach helped to clarify strengths and weaknesses of current business models from a strategic sustainability perspective; to transform an organization’s vision and strategy into a sustainability-framed vision and a sustainability-promoting strategy; and to communicate the new vision and strategy to the value network as a basis for engaging important stakeholders in the change. For example, the approach supported one of the partner companies in its transformation towards providing sustainable PSS solutions in the form of light as a service.

Examples of business benefits of the new approach include improved scalability and risk avoidance, which provide a foundation for better investment strategies. Benefits also include improved differentiability and a broadened view on, and a more solid foundation for, collaboration with stakeholders that are increasingly important to sustainable business success.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlskrona, Sweden: Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, 2017. p. 204
Blekinge Institute of Technology Doctoral Dissertation Series, ISSN 1653-2090 ; 01
Business Model Innovation and Design, Strategic Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Product-Service Systems, Value Network.
National Category
Natural Sciences Social Sciences Business Administration
urn:nbn:se:bth-13674 (URN)978-91-7295-334-5 (ISBN)
Public defence
2017-01-27, J1650, Campus Gräsvik, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden, 09:15 (Swedish)
Available from: 2016-12-30 Created: 2016-12-29 Last updated: 2021-01-13Bibliographically approved

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Broman, GöranFrança, Cesar-Levy

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Broman, GöranFrança, Cesar-Levy
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Department of Strategic Sustainable Development
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