Abstract The ICT industry and specifically critical sectors, such as healthcare, transportation, energy and government, require as mandatory the compliance of ICT systems and services with legislation and regulation, as well as with standards. In the era of cloud computing, this compliance management issue is exacerbated by the distributed nature of the system and by the limited control that customers have on the services. Today, the cloud industry is aware of this problem (as evidenced by the compliance program of many cloud service providers), and the research community is addressing the many facets of the legal-rule compliance checking and quality assurance problem. Cloud service brokerage plays an important role in legislation compliance and QoS management of cloud services. In this paper we discuss our experience in designing a legal-rule and QoS-aware cloud service broker, and we explore relate research issues. Specifically we provide three main contributions to the literature: first, we describe the detailed design architecture of the legal-rule and QoS-aware broker. Second, we discuss our design choices which rely on the state of the art solutions available in literature. We cover four main research areas: cloud broker service deployment, seamless cloud service migration, cloud service monitoring, and legal rule compliance checking. Finally, from the literature review in these research areas, we identify and discuss research challenges.
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