We study experimentally the behavior of a nonlinear element, a light plate pressed to the opening in the cavity of an acoustic resonator. Measurements of field oscillations inside and outside the cavity have shown that for large amplitudes, they become essentially anharmonic. The time dependences of displacement of the plate with increasing amplitude of the exciting voltage demonstrates a gradual change in the shape of vibrations from harmonic to half-period oscillation. A constant component appears in the cavity: rarefaction or outflow of the medium through the orifice. We construct a theory for nonlinear oscillations of a plate taking into account its different elastic reactions to compression and rarefaction with allowance for monopole radiation by the small-wave-size plate or radiation of a plane wave by the plate. We calculate the amplitudes of the harmonics and solve the problem of low-frequency stationary noise acting on the plate. We obtain expressions for the correlation function and mean power at the output given a normal random process at the input.