AbstractTitle: Temporary agency workers, fairness and motivation – study in a reward system’simpact on temporary workers’ perceived fairness and motivationAuthors: Jesper Alm, Emelie Christiansen & Jimmy HedblomSupervisor: Anders WrenneDepartment: Department of Industrial Economics, Blekinge Institute of TechnologyCourse: Bachelor’s thesis in Business AdministrationPurpose: The purpose of this study is to increase understanding about what impact a rewardsystem within an organization will have on the perceived fairness and motivation oftemporary agency workers. The study aims to answer the question: How and why is thetemporary agency workers’ perceived fairness and motivation at work impacted by notreceiving any direct financial bonus from the user company?Method: We have conducted a qualitative approach and made the study within a chosencompany suitable for our purpose. The data have been collected through in-depth interviewsto be able to take part of the interview subjects’ opinions, attitudes and experiences.Results: The temporary agency workers experience a procedural and distributive injusticelinked to the financial bonus. However, no overall organizational injustice is experienced,which can be explained by the fact that the temporary agency workers as a whole experienceperceived fair treatment from the company. The perceived motivation is not affected by theexclusion from the financial bonus, due to the fact that the needs of the consultants associatedwith the work consist of the amount of work that is possible. The motivation is influenced bythe number of shifts and the opportunity to earn more money through more shifts.