Lately, the concept of regional resilience has drawn some attention in academic and policies circles. In a macroeconomic perspective, resilience is essentially conceived through recovery from recession (industrial redeployment, path dependency) or external shock (economic crisis). In this chapter, we will adopt a mix approach of resilience associating economic geography with labour capital. We define the notion of regional resilience through labour characteristics (regional net employment, job accessibility defined as commuting surplus/deficit, employment resilience and labour dynamics) of the six most innovative Swedish regions (NUTS 3 level). We observed those regions under a 10 years period between 2004 and 2014. Our descriptive approach shows the relevance to consider regional resilience from the institutions of the job market in regard of business cycle, i.e. in line with regions’ abilities to adapt to continuous changes over time. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.