Overarching project goal
From 1 april 2013 to its end in 2015 the project shall support Southeast Sweden towards a fossilfuel independent transport system by 2030 through the promotion of regional sustainable market introduction of electric vehicles that run on regional renewable energy.
The project's contribution
1. Development of an electric vehicle system (vehicles, charging infrastructure, renewable electricity, IT support, etc) and a supporting business network in small town regions.2. Research Methods for the development of customer-focused product and service systems for electric vehicles and identification of their economic, environmental and social sustainability implications.3. A comprehensive roadmap for sustainable and profitable development of a fossilfuel independent regional transportation system 2030.
Results until 20150630 (goals 20150331 – extended to 20150930)
530+ Electric vehicles (200)204+ charging spots (200)25 pilot municipalities (25)70+ business stakeholders (50)1 charging demo park (1)