Finding experts in academics is an important practical problem, e.g. recruiting reviewersfor reviewing conference, journal or project submissions, partner matching for researchproposals, finding relevant M. Sc. or Ph. D. supervisors etc. In this work, we discuss anexpertise recommender system that is built on data extracted from the Blekinge Instituteof Technology (BTH) instance of the institutional repository system DiVA (DigitalScientific Archive). DiVA is a publication and archiving platform for research publicationsand student essays used by 46 publicly funded universities and authorities in Sweden andthe rest of the Nordic countries ( The DiVA classification system isbased on the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) and the Statistic Sweden's (SCB)three levels classification system. Using the classification terms associated with studentM. Sc. and B. Sc. theses published in the DiVA platform, we have developed a prototypesystem which can be used to identify and recommend subject thesis supervisors in academy.
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