Given a directed graph E and an associative unital ring R one may define the Leavitt path algebra with coefficients in R, denoted by LR(E). For an arbitrary group G, LR(E) can be viewed as a G-graded ring. In this paper, we show that LR(E) is always nearly epsilon-strongly G-graded. We also show that if E is finite, then LR(E) is epsilon-strongly G-graded. We present a new proof of Hazrat's characterization of strongly g-graded Leavitt path algebras, when E is finite. Moreover, if E is row-finite and has no source, then we show that LR(E) is strongly-graded if and only if E has no sink. We also use a result concerning Frobenius epsilon-strongly G-graded rings, where G is finite, to obtain criteria which ensure that LR(E) is Frobenius over its identity component. © 2020 World Scientific Publishing Company.
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