Each year at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, in total 15-30 international master students from the Structural Dynamics and the Erasmus program take a 7.5 credit course in strategic sustainable development. In 2016, the course had rather good scoresfrom the students’ course evaluation, but the students also identified a need for improvements regarding feedback from teachers during the course and also regarding the examination of the course. A study was therefore initiated, aimed at finding out if changes in feedback and examinations can increase students’ learning towards the learning outcomes in the course, and if so, how the teaching and examination in the course could be developed in such direction. The study found through literature review, interviews among colleagues, and surveys among students that instead of a final exam, several knowledge tests and reflective questions during the course could increase the students’ learning. The course design was developed and then implemented in 2017. According to the students’ course evaluation the same year, this lead to even better perceived learning. Except from providing further evidence that students’ learning increases with individual feedback, the study showed how that can be implemented.