2020 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [sv]
Genom spatial närvaro i en experimentell medieteknisk filminstallation siktar arbetet på att ge kännedom om det naturliga fenomenet sömnparalys (SP). Det här görs genom en medieteknisk undersökning som blandar mytologi, som tros ha uppstått på grund utav SP, med verkliga fakta om SP. Arbetet resulterade i en animerad film i 3D som presenterades i en filminstallation. Upplevelsen av installationen ska simulera hur det känns att drabbas av fenomenet. Tanken är att deltagarna ska kunna identifiera SP i deras dåtid och framtid och få veta att det är en naturlig process och ej är farligt. Arbetet togs fram genom designperspektiven x for change och edutainment som låg till grund för filminstallationen.
Abstract [en]
Through immersion in an experimental media technological video installation this work aims to give awareness of the natural phenomenon sleep paralysis (SP). This was done through a research in media technologies that mixes mythology, that is believed to be based on SP, with real facts about SP. The work resulted in a 3D animated movie that was presented in a video installation. The experience is supposed to simulate how it feels to be affected by the phenomenon. The idea was that the participant will be able to identify SP in their past and future and to know that it is a natural process that is not dangerous. The work was done through the design perspectives x for change and edutainment that was the foundation for the video installation.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 37
Keywords [en]
sleep paralysis, x for change, 3D animation, video installation
Keywords [sv]
sömnparalys, x for change, 3D animation, filminstallation
National Category
Media Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:bth-20388OAI:, id: diva2:1465043
External cooperation
Region Blekinge; Blekingearkivet
Subject / course
ME1603 Bachelor's Thesis in Media Technology
Educational program
MEGDS Digital Games
2020-09-102020-09-082020-09-10Bibliographically approved