A new device gets developed almost bi-weekly, some offering a unique take on resolution or aspect ratio. For a web developer, this means that they have to constantly adapt and respond to how modern devices interact with the web, and create solutions that work for the visitors. This puts a lot of pressure on the developer to create a good, responsive webpage that is not expecting a certain device, but rather works fluently no matter the exact size of device.In this study this development is researched and discussed, from the viewpoint of what the differences are between established and future devices, what developments that might arise tomorrow and how to react to these as a developer. The goal is also to research what methods of responsive web development works best with these devices, and what might become an issue when newer devices are released and becoming widely used.The research is split up into two parts, one part comparing three popular frame- works and their responsiveness-related functions and the second part reviewing earlier work regarding responsiveness for modern devices.Modern, well developed frameworks offer a lineup of functions for responsive web development, most which integrate well when met with non-standard resolutions or devices with the tradeoff of being more heavyweight and less customizable. Research concluded that modern frameworks are covering most aspects of responsive web de- velopment, and offers a good base to implement responsive web development for future devices.Developing from having two different webpages, one mobile and one for a home PC, now almost every large webpage implements a responsive and adaptable interface which fits many more devices without slotting them into a specific niche. After this became standard, more and more unique devices could reliably browse the web. What is left is a discussion regarding what the future might hold in the case of other input devices such as voice input, small displays such as smart watch displays, and how this technique can be adapted to handle these devices as well.