Information and communication technologies (ICT) and mobile phones in particular play an important role in the narrative of international development. This chapter explores how the start-up of women’s ICT initiatives in Kampala, Uganda uses structural adaptation and resistance through intersectionality and feminist technoscience. It proposes a technological storytelling of doing intersectionality where processes of categorization are not distinguished by being either disadvantaged or privileged but are formulated as an assemblage. The chapter presents patriarchy and patriarchal structures, and is concerned with the gendered structures that discriminate and disadvantage women. Feminist technoscience is a transdisciplinary field that queries the epistemological foundations of science and technology through feminist concepts and methods. The relationship between gender and technology inheres tricky and disconcerting meanings and histories. The homogeneous narrative of the oppression of women is particularly important to emphasize when discussing gender and ICT initiatives internationally. © 2019 selection and editorial matter, Caroline Wamala Larsson and Laura Stark; individual chapters, the contributors.