This article focuses on the stock of accommodation service units for people withpsychiatric disabilities in Sweden and the classification of supported accommodation.We examined 122 units in 12 municipalities in Sweden and classified them accordingto the Simple Taxonomy for Supported Accommodation (STAX-SA). We found anobvious variation in the field and a movement into a recovery-oriented direction andtowards individuality. There is an emphasis on Move-On that seems to expand into andbeyond floating outreach support, and there is a relaxation of service units’ boundariesconcerning commitment and target groups. The correspondence to STAX-SA was quitelow (48%), and the applicability to ‘real world’ services was not satisfactory. Whencapturing variation and change in a rich dataset, STAX-SA is too reductive. However,STAX-SA was a successful point of departure in the analysis that opened up foridentifying diversities and movement. We suggest some adjustments to increase itsapplicability