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Intelligent Tourist Information System
Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Engineering, Department of Systems and Software Engineering.
2008 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Student thesis
Abstract [en]

Nowadays people use mobile phones and other mobile devices. Most of us have a small computing device that is always with us. People use it example for calling, as calendar and organizer. Mobile devices with GPS receiver are also used to find paths in navigation. The main disadvantage of those systems is that we have to know places which we want to visit and they usually do not store any usable, valuable information about points of interest except phone numbers and addresses. The main idea of this thesis was to design a system that will run on most of phones and palms and will be helpful when visiting some new places and cities. This system should be able to find a route using user criteria. Those criteria should be simple and natural, like for example: a list of museums, the most famous historical objects, restaurants to visit, constraints to travel by bus and by walking. The system should find a path that fulfils those criteria, show it on screen, show names of objects, some short descriptions and photos of them and possible entrance costs. It should also be able to estimate time needed to travel from one object to the next and if it is possible, advise which bus line or other public means of transport may be used. It should be helpful for people that want to visit a city without having much information about it. Paths that are output of this system are only a proposition for trip. They will not be optimal but can not be counterintuitive and must be acceptable by the user.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2008. , p. 43
Keywords [en]
mobile devices, tourism and navigation, path finding, creating maps process
National Category
Software Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:bth-1166Local ID:, id: diva2:828327
Available from: 2015-05-22 Created: 2008-05-18 Last updated: 2018-01-11Bibliographically approved

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