Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate if and how the employees in elderly care experience stress and which underlying causes they understand to be important in their work situation. The purpose was also to investigate whether Karaseks and Theorells demands and control models could be used to explain the employees feelings of stress and to see in which categories the participants are in. Furthermore, the purpose was also to understand the participants work situation and to describe the factors and remedies the employees perceive to contribute to the stress levels at their workplace. 81 questionnaires were distributed at three different locations, two of which were in Ronneby and one in Örebro. 56 people answered the questionnaires. The result yielded that 80% of the participants felt stress during their working hours the last few years. The results are in agreement with the demands and control models which showed that people with high demands and low control experienced a higher degree of stress than people with lower demands and higher control, which corroborates the hypothesis 1.1.