City Parks started to be developed in the middle of the nineteenth century. During different times they were developed in diverse ways. In Kosova, for political reasons, for a long time little attention was paid to green spaces: city parks, squares, and other public spaces. The city parks that had existed in the past were lost, mainly due to the lack of maintenance. I found the town of Mitrovica to be an interesting case as it is divided in two parts as a consequence of war. This thesis is intended to discuss the importance of city parks, their development and the use we make of them. The study mainly focuses in three questions: (i) How has the city park been used throughout history? (ii)How could an attractive city park for the citizens of Mitrovica look like?(iii) How can it be used as a connection between the different parts of the town? This thesis illustrates the activities and uses of city parks in history, the uses that the old city park in Mitrovica has had, describes the main characteristics of Mitrovica as a region and a town, and analyzes the proposed location for a city park, observes the reaction of the citizens of Mitrovica about the city park. At the end of the thesis, I made a project proposal for a new city park in Mitrovica.