The world is facing energy supply challenges. Rising prices and finite reserves of fossil fuels, combined with necessary reductions in their use in order to mitigate anthropogenic climate change, will dramatically reshape the future energy supply. Among the greatest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions are the energy systems that power transportation, heating and cooling, and industrial processes. It is imperative that energy planning is sustainable, secure and effectively implemented for local development. The aim of our research is to enhance the planning process that can aid authorities moving towards sustainable local energy systems. Local energy systems refer to the supply, distribution and use of energy within a municipality. In this study, we advocate applying a strategic sustainable development framework based on 'backcasting from principles of sustainability'. We analyzed global, European Union and Swedish energy objectives, as well as the results of a survey of beacon European cities to inform strategic planning guidelines for authorities moving towards sustainable local energy systems. Our research suggests that the strategic sustainable development framework provides structure to inform strategic and critical decision points for planning and implementing local energy systems.