Requirement engineering (RE) is an important phase in any project. Both functional and non-functional requirements are required to be elicited. Quality requirements (QRs) are usually catered at the end of software development process. Along with functional requirements, non-functional (QRs) also need to be handled and implemented through a structural way. It is observed that most organizations do not have proper management for quality requirements in their project life cycles. Especially if we consider the case of market driven requirement engineering (MDRE), it is a dire need to handle those QRs along with the functional requirement using a structural way. In this study we investigate Requirements Abstraction Model (RAM), which is basically designed for MDRE and is the case of continuous RE. The purpose was to analyze RAM specifications, which could be able to provide an effective way of manage QRs. RAM also deals with the specification of QRs, so it was required to investigate that how effective RAM can handle the creation of QRs.