This thesis is a result of cooperation between the department of Mechanical Engineering of Blekinge Institute of Technology and Tetra Pak in Lund. The name of this thesis is Noise Reduction Study of Converting Equipment. Tetra Pak struggles with a very high noise level, that’s caused by their converting equipment. My task is to localize the source of the noise and then generate a number of solutions. I generated three types of solution. Then the solutions were weighted. The winning solution was surface treatment of the cooling rollers. Next step was to find treatments that are suitable for this application. Four types of treatments were found. Then I had to do a weighting of them. The treatment that won was the Tribobond 44. Tribobond 44 is made through the Physical Vapour Deposition process. The coating consists of Diamond like Carbon layers.
Detta examensarbete är ett resultat av ett samarbete mellan institutionen för maskinteknik vid Blekinge Tekniska högskola och Tetra Pak i Lund. Detta examensarbete heter Noise Reduction Study of Converting Equipment. Tetra Pak kämpar med en mycket hög ljudnivå, som är orsakat av deras koverteringsmaskiner. Min uppgift är att lokalisera källan till oljudet och sedan generara ett antal olika lösningar. Jag genererade tre olika typer av lösningar, sedan viktades dessa lösningar. Den vinnande lösningen var ytbehandling av kylvalsarna. Nästa steg var att hitta lämpliga behandlingar till denna applikation. Fyra olika typer av behandlingar hittades, sedan viktades dessa. Den behandling som vann var Tribobond 44. Tribobond 44 görs genom en PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) process. Denna beläggningen består av DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) lager.