Remote laboratories using real equipments for engineering studies is becoming popular in recent time. Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden has pioneered developing remote laboratories through VISIR project and its collaboration with other universities. Active control of sound and vibration is one area in which BTH has substantial research background and provides courses like adaptive signal processing, sound and vibration analysis, optimum signal processing and so on. The fact that these courses need extensive use of real hardware and equipments in laboratory and lack of remote laboratory for such courses encouraged development of remote active noise control (ANC) laboratory. In this thesis, development and usage of prototype for remote ANC laboratory is discussed. The remote laboratory is aimed at performing all the general steps in ANC experiment, like design, implementation of algorithm and configuration of hardware system. The prototype development has three important steps i.e. selection of appropriate hardware that suits remote ANC system, software development for measurement and equipment server and remote development environment that helps web-based debugging. In addition to ANC experiments the remote laboratory presented can be used for a wide variety of courses both at university level and high school level.