This thesis is about Millennials and Leadership. The main purpose is to analyse how companies can work with aspects of Situational Leadership to realise the potential of the millennial generation. What aspects of Situational leadership contribute to a climate where organisations make the most out of their young professionals? In the thesis we also investigate how a number of companies and organizations that are regarded as attractive or successful in terms of recruitment and leadership work with leadership to keep and develop their young employees. Many managers, both in a large survey by the research company Kairos Future and in our own empirical study, respond that 20-30 years olds need a new type of leadership. The secondary sources also describe the Millennials as different and therefore in need of a different leadership. Our respondents all talked about how they work directly or indirectly with Situational Leadership even though not all of them are using the formal model of SLII. A majority of the respondents also stressed the close relation between their leadership and their values. They saw their values as important means to ensure that the leadership was aligned. The values also served as guiding principles allowing more autonomy in the leadership –a basis for some of the phases in SLII. Our recommendation to management and organizations would therefore be the following: • Make sure you have strong and common values within the organization, values which the employees live by and that the Millennials are attracted to. • Work strategically with values and SLII to make sure the newcomers have the foundation they need while at the same time combining their need for support with room for creativity. These measures will attract the Millennials at the same time as it will be a way to keep and develop these talented young employees.
Uppsatsen handalr om Millennials och Ledarskap. Fokus har legat på att undersöka hur företag kan arbeta med Situationsanpassat Ledarskap för att realisera potentialen hos den unga generationen.