ABSTRACT This essay is about traffic analysis of Web servers. The purpose is to investigate if companies analyse the traffic on the Web server and if they use this information to create more than simple statistic reports. The questions that we will answer are the following: ? How common is traffic analysis on the Web server among companies? ? Is the Web administrator limited in analysing the Web traffic, if the company has the website on a Web hotel? ? Does the company uses the results they get from analysing the traffic on the Web server for updates and changes on the Web page? To answer these questions we made a questionnaire investigation by telephone interviewing the companies? webmasters. The extent of the investigation was 20 companies in Blekinge. The information we gathered from the investigation showed that it is becoming more common that companies analyse the traffic on the Web page and that they uses the information to more than statistic reports, for example updates and changes of the Web page. Based on the investigation we did a statistical comparison between the companies which analysed their traffic and the companies which not analysed their traffic on the Web server. We compared the turnover?s growth for the last four years. From the results of the comparison we could not draw any statistical conclusions that the traffic analysis can have any direct influence on the company?s business activity, but we may discern a trend that the companies, which analyse the traffic, had a stronger growth of the turnover. Because of these conclusions we couldn?t confirm the hypothesis as follows: ?The information that you can extract by analyse the traffic on the Web server can be used to improve the business activity of companies.? Our essay has however led us to gather some trends. The analysing tools have developed essentially the last years, but it?s hard to se that analyse has a direct influence on the business activity, which implies that our hypothesis is false. The development of analysing tools where more than one data source is connected to traffic analysing is probably going to make it easier to se the influence on the business activity in the future.