Research shows that unemployed´s motivation to seek work affects their health and social life. Employment officer’s motivational work should be based on strengthening the individual's confidence in their abilities. Five motivational theories underpinning the study is Cognitive Theory, Self-determination theory, Expectancy Value Theory, need theory and Goal Theory. The purpose of this study was to investigate individuals' job motivation, and emotional experiences, also in relation to contact with the employment officer. A study was conducted in which four individuals participated. They talked about their emotional experiences and motivation in their situation as unemployed, and in relation to their employment officer. The method is based on theory-driven thematic analysis. The results showed that participants feel they have motivation to seek work, although time may be marked out of stress and depression. It also proved that all participants feel a lack of motivation and support from their employment officer.
Arbetslöshet i dagens samhälle är hög vilket gör det till ett intressant ämne att forska om, begränsad forskning finns i ämnet arbetslöshet, motivation och känslomässiga upplevelser samt hur kontakten med arbetsförmedlaren upplevs. Det som går att läsa syftar till stor del på arbetssökande och deras hälsa men motivation och känslomässiga upplevelser för individer är viktiga aspekter vid arbetslöshet. Vad är det som gör att vissa individer är mer motiverade än andra? Och hur kan motivationen påverka i en situation utav arbetslöshet?