Due to the limitation of spectrum in the network and the increasing of the demand of the spectrum in the network, spectrum-sharing techniques are used to increase the efficiency of the network. Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Network is one of the techniques that describe the intelligent networks such as Cognitive Radio networks, Cognitive Radio, and Software Defined Radios. Game theory is one of the analytical tools that analyze the behavior of the users in the network when there is interaction between the users. This game can be cooperative or competitive. Repeated game model is one of the game models where the players (users) interact with each other and after every interaction there is outcome for each players depending on the actions they used in that stage of the game. Therefore in repeated game model the history of the action of the players is important to determine the next stage actions. In this work the repeated game model is implemented for cellular network in certain scenario, calculation for the utility at the end of the game, comparison between FSA and DSA systems in this scenario, and the efficiency of the system is obtained. The comparison between the Repeated model and Cognitive Radio with iteration technique is also made due to the type of communication (short, or long) to show the best efficiency and the best model for the network due to the type of communication. The comparison shows that the efficiency of the repeated game model is suitable for the short communication and the cognitive radio with iteration technique is better in the long communication system.