Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to explain how and under what conditions learning orientation of the customer relations staff of GSM Kazakhstan (Kcell) is linked to the performance of the company. The purpose of this thesis is two-fold: First we proposed and test how learning orientation affects organizational commitment of the company through developing staff competencies. Secondly propose and test how relationship between CC and the company‘s performance can be formulated. Design and methodology The methods and research design will guide readers through the steps taken to complete the contained thesis. These steps will also help other researchers to be able to reproduce this research by following the path outlined in the methods section. All measures, definitions and operationalization are based on earlier research. The rationale for the research approach was carefully considered and explained so that readers of this thesis can obtain a clear appreciation of the objective of this research. Findings We suggested a model including four hypotheses. First we suggested Learning Commitment have a positive (+) effect on Company Commitment. We did not find support for this relationship. Secondly, we proposed Shared Values have a positive (+) effect on Company Commitment. This hypothesis was also rejected. Third, we proposed Open Mindedness have a positive (+) effect on Company Commitment. Here we found strong significant support. As expected we also found support for our fourth hypothesis that is Company Commitment have a positive (+) effect on Performance of the company. Our findings thus mean that performance is strongly related to commitment, which depends on the construct of open mindedness.