The goal of this thesis work is to test the High Speed USB 2.0 communication between a custom board and a PC. Baltic Engineering AB has developed a hardware platform based on a microcontroller from ST microelectronics. The microcontroller STM32F405 is equipped with many peripheral functions, one of which is a High Speed USB 2.0 OTG unit. Baltic Engineering AB is planning to use this function in future projects but at the moment they have no experience of implementing software code for this type of communication link. The work is focused on programming and establishing the connection between the PC and the microcontroller. It is explained how to set up the development environment with CooCox CoIDE and how to write programs in C programming language with the help of the libusb library. The outcome of the project was a successful establishment of the USB FS communication. Furthermore, a bulk transfer was benchmarked and reached the bandwidth of approximately 2~Mb/s.