This thesis aims to examine which policies and instruments are currently in place at local and regional levels in the Netherlands improving energy efficiency of buildings and to analyse actors’ perceptions on the expected contribution of these instruments towards achieving energy efficiency targets efficiency. The EU inter alia, defines the targets, whereas local actors implement measures contributing to this target. Different modes of governance have been defined to frame the influence of other levels of governance, initiatives and actions regarding energy efficiency in the built environment in the Northern Netherlands. Although not only governance arrangements determine policy instruments in place and their opportunities and challenges towards the achievement of targets, also normative values play a role. This becomes more relevant as more actors mention the own responsibility of citizens regarding energy efficiency in buildings. Actors from the state, market and civil society located in the Northern Netherlands, simulate primarily homeowners, facilitating initiatives. Communicative instruments are perceived to have most opportunities achieving targets. Financial instruments, on the other hand, have a too short timeframe and too different preconditions therewith perceived as less effective achieving targets. Therefore actions, initiatives and policy instruments could be coordinated at regional levels rather than local levels.