Fokus i denna studie ligger på det lönesättande samtalet och vilka emotioner som uppstår inför, under och efter samtalet samt hur de hanteras kognitivt. I studien undersöks även hur respondenterna upplever den generella arbetssituationen för att jämföra deras upplevelser av det dagliga arbetet med deras upplevelser av det lönesättande samtalet. Detta är en induktiv undersökande studie med halvstrukturerade intervjuer som skett med sex kvinnliga respondenter som alla arbetar på en myndighet. Som forskningsansats används fenomenologin eftersom det är respondenternas upplevelser som är av intresse. Svaren har bearbetats med tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att det var många negativa emotioner som respondenterna upplevde under det lönesättande samtalet, bland annat ångest och frustration, medan den generella arbetssituationen upplevdes som mer positiv. / The focus of this study is on the salary negotiation discussion and the emotions that arise before, during and after the discussion and how they are handled cognitively. The study also explores how respondents perceive the general working conditions in order to compare their experiences of the daily work with their experiences of the salary negotiation discussion. This is an inductive exploratory study using semi-structured interviews that took place with six female respondents who are working in an authority. Phenomenology is used as a research approach because it is the respondents' experiences that are of interest. The answers have been processed by using thematic analysis. The results showed that there were many negative emotions, such as anxiety and frustration that were experienced in the salary negotiation discussion while the daily work conditions were perceived as more positive.