The purpose of this work is to find the effect of short circuit current on displacement inside the transformer’s winding. In this work two different winding has been investigated by creating 2D and 3D simulation models of them. In order to solve the problem various assumptions/simplification has been taken and verified. We have used two different windings one is test winding which is, a prototype of real transformer winding, in size it is a ¼ of the real transformer winding. Second winding is from a step up generator 3 phase transformer. Material properties for both models are same. In chapter 3, we used experimental results to verify our mechanical model by comparing eigenfrequencies result for winding. In chapter 4, we have investigated the effect of prestress on the winding. In chapter 5, after the verification of mechanical model we have applied short circuit current on the coil in order to generate the Lorentz forces and magnetic field, and have used generated Lorentz force for mechanical model in order to find the displacement and stress inside the winding during the short circuit event. Comsol multiphysics 4.3a has been used for this work. Experimental results and winding dimensions were provided by ABB, Corporate Research, Sweden.