This essay aims to study how attitude is correlated with academic performance. The area of interest is primarily to determine which components of attitude have the strongest correlation with academic performance of the students and to determine differences in the attitude projected by teachers and fellow classmates. The study includes 30 students, ages varying between 15-16 years old, attending Gujarati mother tongue education after school hours. The researcher hypothesised that the affective component of attitude has the strongest correlation with the students’ performance in mother tongue education and that there will be no difference in attitude projected by teachers and fellow students. Two surveys were done to examine the hypothesis. Surveys’ were done specifically to understand the relationship between the attitude-components and to see correlation between school attitude and student performance. Results show that there were more significant correlations within the cognitive based questions than affective questions. However these relationships did not follow a specific pattern of correlation to draw conclusion from. Therefore the results do not support the hypothesis as the affective component of attitude had weaker correlations with students’ performance in mother tongue attitude and there was significant difference in how teachers and students perceived mother tongue. In addition, the contrast in values of correlation found can be a result of method limitations.
Den här studien undersöker ifall det finns en relation mellan attityder till andra elevers modersmål och ifall denna attityd påverkar elevernas akademiska prestation.