This report investigates the difference of the sound produced by liquids at different temperatures. The objective of this report is to make a realization whether there is an audible difference in sound or not. Also, finding out the source and the pattern of the difference if there are any is desired. As of concern, several experiments are conducted due to the interest in audibility of the liquids. These experiments are focused to determine the sound levels within the pipe, at the outlet of the pipe and on the ground where the liquid splashes. Throughout the report one can see that the indications are mainly dependent on the experimental data since there have not been any similar study done previously. Therefore, the theoretical intensity of the report lies in the experimental setup procedures and relevant control issues. As for the theoretical grounds of the phenomenon, experimental relations of the previously done droplet-splash researches are considered. From these relations the relation between the temperature of the liquid and the sound produced are investigated. Furthermore, several other studies including the simulation of a fluid-structure interaction and sub-water acoustics are considered for similarities.