This essay does a theoretical comparison of the intricate social production in digital and real spaces, proposing a model for the non-technical exploration of the social production of spaces relating to human digital technology. The ‘social space’ proposed by Henri Lefebvre (1974) - responsible for producing material space - and the holistic model of ‘cybernetic space’ proposed by Ananda Mitra and Rae Lynn Schwartz (2001) - responsible for supporting the production of real and digital spaces - are argued as collaboratively producing cybernetic social spaces, serving as the definition of a unified model for the production of spaces in contemporary society. The digital spaces are argued as being a similar analogue to classical ‘social space’. Two native cybernetic spaces are presented and discussed, argued as being responsible for the transitive production of digital and real spaces as they survey and situate the production of cybernetic social space. Finally, two case studies exemplifying the aesthetics and politics of cybernetic space are presented, analyzed and discussed in accordance with the proposed model of cybernetic social space.