In Swedish municipalities, householders are addressed as important actors in the efforts to improve the quality of sewage sludge. Householders and sanitation professionals are regarded as integrated and active co-producers of the sanitation system, while limited by the functions offered by the technical and organizational structure. Through interviews with both householders and sanitation professionals, recognition of interdependence was identified in both groups although more communication with counterpart was asked for. If the aim is to increase sustainability in the sanitation system, regardless of technical changes, we argue that two-way communication between householders and sanitation professionals needs to increase and embrace not only advice about choice of products and ways to carry out water related activities, but also planning of activities, feedback on results and other aspects of interest.
I svenska kommuner betraktas hushåll som viktiga aktörer för att förbättra kvaliteten på avloppsvattnet. I intervjuer med representanter för hushåll och kommunal VA-verksamhet framkom en samsyn på ömsesidigt beroende. Ökad kommunikation efterfrågades från båda grupper. I artikeln argumenteras för ökad dialog för hållbara avloppssystem. Keyword: hållbara avloppssystem