One of the main contributions to the quality of experience in streaming services or in two-way communication of audio and video applications is synchronization. This has been shown in several studies and experiments but methods to measure synchronization are less frequent, especially for situations without internal access to the application and independent of platform and device. In this paper we present a method for measuring synchronization skewness as well as delay for audio and video. The solution incorporates audio and video reference streams, where audio and video frames are marked with frame numbers which are decoded on the receiver side to enable calculation of synchronization and delay. The method has been verified in a two-way communication application in a transparent network with and without inserting known delays, as well as in a network with 5 and 10 % packet loss levels. The method can be used for both streaming and two-way communication services, both with and without access to the internal structures, and enables measurements of applications running on e.g. smartphones, tablets, and laptops under various conditions.