Universities are relatively neutral bodies/platforms in political contexts that can differ profoundly. Please note relatively. The universities have to manoeuvre strategically, though, in order to be durable. In low income countries with more or less stable political systems the university is a vital asset for social, cultural and economic sustainability and development. The universities in these countries face challenging demands to have their outcomes used in society for economic growth, challenging of more reasons than e.g. in Europe. This means that the “voice of society” in science argues for use of the very limited public resources in ways benefitting the people as soon as possible, if not immediately. Society speaks back in demand for relevant knowledges for survival and better living conditions. This is a strong incentive to find other ways than a dominant linear way of disseminating R&D results, which often takes too long time and is not always efficient or context relevant. In this chapter I will give some aspects on why and how initiatives from universities for trying other models like inclusive innovation and cluster development are relevant, important and have a proved success record.