This paper discusses spatial resolutions for narrowband narrowbeam (NB) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) as well as for ultrawideband ultrawidebeam (UWB) SAR. The similarity and difference between the impulse response function in NB SAR imaging (IRF-NSAR) - sinc function - and the impulse response function in UWB SAR imaging (IRF-USAR) is investigated and the result of this investigation shows that in the intensity interval from −6 dB to 0 dB, the behavior of IRF-NSAR and IRF-USAR in azimuth and range are similar. This is the basis for a derivation of new spatial resolution equations for UWB SAR based on −3 dB width or half power beamwidth (HPBW). The investigated result also shows that there exists the so-called HPBW narrowing/broadening factor in an IRF-USAR.