Traffic shapers are used by researchers to emulate the behavior of networks and applications in test environments, typically with user-defined traffic shaping parameters such as throughput and loss. Also, traffic shapers are used for the enforcement of SLA, so they are of interest for Internet Service Providers. However, output given by traffic shapers may not be as accurate as desired. Therefore, it is important to assess the accuracy of the implementation of traffic shapers. In this paper, we evaluate two traffic shapers with regard to the performance of their throughput shaping. For this evaluation, traces were collected. The properties of the resulting throughput at the outlet of the shaper are compared to the properties of the throughput at the inlet in combination with the preset shaper parameters. In this sense, we also compare shapers installed on Advance Micro Devices (AMD) and Intel platforms, and we use different PDU sizes and load levels to test the influence of those parameters on the shaping. We are furthermore able to deduct internal shaper parameters such as packet rate and buffer size from our measurements, and we analyse the statistical properties of the packet departure process. The extensive measurement results in this paper allow for a detailed assessment of the question whether the shaper performance is up to mark for a desired timescale. In general, the performance of both shapers and hardware platforms can be considered satisfactory on the investigated time scales between 1 ms and 1 s, with a slight advantage for NetEm on AMD.