We consider the realtime services over on-demand routing protocols in ad hoc networks, where infrastructure does not exist and the network topology is highly dynamic and time-varying due to node mobilities. To reduce the end-to-end delay, we have proposed two efficient routing protocols: MSR (Multipath Source Routing) and RSR (Redundant Source Routing) in our previous work. Simulations have shown the good performance for the realtime services. Moreover, we also propose a new on-demand routing protocol RMSR (Redundant Multipath Source Routing) and show the performance of RMSR, which is an extension of MSR and RSR. The performance of the network using the RMSR algorithm in terms of network capacity and end-to-end queuing delay is analyzed by computing the number of active links. Compared with DSR, we can figure out the network capacity which is not increased by redundant packets and improve network delay from O(N) to O(log N) (where N is the number of the nodes).