Sensor and sensor networks technology are becoming an increasingly important part of information management infrastructures. Challenges related to collection, processing, analysis and user-centric presentation depending of context are of particular interest. Furthermore, design and implementation of proper respond actions to sensor based information is gaining interest in many applications. In this paper we focus on robust application of sensor based systems. With robust we mean in this context supporting user empowerment and allowing adaptations. Two case studies of critical operations for individuals with cognitive impairments are presented. A comprehensive methodology supporting empowerment of users is outlined. The methodology includes ethnography-based analysis of workflows to identify user dependant barriers as a basis for design and implementation of mechanisms supporting empowerment. Identified challenges and opportunities of sensor based user empowerment is a contribution. Requirements engineering, from a user empowerments perspective including user specific barriers and sensor based information mechanisms, as a part of the systems developments process is another important contribution. User-centric training, as an important validation of implemented solutions in given context, is part of lessons learned. Sections on challenges and opportunities as well as of future work conclude the paper.
Sensor och sensor nätverks tekniker blir viktigare del i informations hanterings infrastrukturer. Utmaningar relaterat till insamling, process, analys och användarsentrerad presentation relaterat till context är av speciell vikt.