Simulation techniques are regularly used by district heating companies as a support system when optimizing and improving the operational and strategic functionality within a district heating system. Normally the simulation models regarding production, distribution and consumption are handled separately, but there are several benefits to be found by combining these models. HEMOS is a simulation tool based on open source software which aims to join different simulation models in order to achieve such a system-wide overview. This simulation tool has been developed as part of previous research and has been used within several earlier projects as a support tool for new technologies. The purpose of this pre-study is first and foremost to: * evaluate the current status and capacity of DHEMOS * carry out a comparison between existing commercial simulation systems and DHEMOS * evaluate the future potential of DHEMOS and estimate the amount of work needed in order to make the system a mature and usable simulation tool for trade, research and learning. The results from this study show that DHEMOS has a basic ability to ”compute correctly”, even though the present system lacks important functionality without which it cannot fully compete with commercial alternatives. However, DHEMOS does display a number of fundamental design characteristics which shows that the system has a legitimate potential for the future. This pre-study has been a collaboration between Blekinge Institute of Technology and Göteborg Energi. Simulation results from the district heating network in Ale i Gothenburg has been used when comparing the systems.
Detta är en förstudie som har som syfte att jämföra simuleringsverktyget DHEMOS med andra på marknaden förekommande kommersiella verktyg. DHEMOS baseras på öppen källkod och har utvecklats i samband med tidigare forskning.