In this paper, we investigate the performance gain of hybrid decode-amplify-forward (HDAF) relay protocol over the two conventional ones: the adaptive decode-forward (ADF) and amplify-forward (AF) in dual-hop multiple-relay networks. We analyze the performance gain in terms of the symbol error probability (SEP) in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Similarly as in the single relay case [1], under a specific modulation scheme, these gains only depend on the ratio of channel mean power between the first-hop and second-hop transmission. In particular, we show that the HDAF protocol obtains a large gain, medium gain, and small gain over ADF, AF as the relays are placed close to the destination, half-way between the source and destination (symmetric case), and nearby the source, respectively. In contrast to the single-relay case in which the HDAF scheme has no benefit compared to ADF and AF as the relay is located close to the source [1], HDAF still achieves a small gain with multiple relays. Interestingly, we further show that for all cases the performance gains are saturated as the number of relays is large.