This paper reports on experinces of telenursing by registered nurses working in home care services with a focus on leg wounds and their treatment. In the daily work of care giving, distant treatment was provided through technology for two-party encounters between registered nurses and patients. Ten video recorded interviews were conducted with five nurses. Data were analysed with content analysis. The results show that in virtual encounters the nurses felt great satisfaction from having an image of the patient while simultaneously assessing the situation. Acording to the nurse the patients expressed a sense of security from having audio and video contact with the nurses. The nurses were interested in and utilised the digital camera for recording photos of the wounds. They used the web application to gather information for patients and their kin, and for training while delegating to colleagues, co-workers, and students. the future vision is that two-party encounters are an effective form of communication.
I denna artikel rapporteras resultaten av en studie som undersökt leg. sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med omvårdnad på distans inom hemsjukvården, fokus för studien var behandling av bensår. kontakten mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten var en videotelefon. Tio videoinspelade intervjuer med fem sjuksköterskor analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Sjuksköterskorna var nöjda och angav att patienterna upplevde trygghet genom att både se och höra sjuksköterskan. Sjuksköterskorna använde digital kamera för att dokumentera såren. De använde det webb baserade informationsmaterialet till att informera patienter och anhöriga, samt för träning och delegering till kolegor och studenter.
Open Access Journal Special Issue on the Australian Health Informatics Conference 2008, guest-edited by Heather Grain.