This paper provides an overview of the ICT concepts behind the Smart Mobile Travel Guide “Seekstr”. Seekstr provides user-, situation- and position-dependent information in a seamless manner and thus belongs to a new generation of travel guides. While the mobile user uses a mobile handset as interface, in which points of interest, calendar items etc. are overlaid a map, the personalisation is performed via a web interface. The paper reviews the technological enablers for the service such as the Locago map system and the information exchange IMX. It also presents and discusses response time measurements as part of the evaluation of Quality of Experience (QoE) with Seekstr.
Pappret ger en översikt över tekniken bakom den Smarta Mobila Resguiden "Seekstr" som kommer att finnas tillgängligt till deltagare i ITS 2009 kongressen. Dessutom utvärderas användarupplevt tjänstekvalitet.